Well, cooking is not only about how to produce tasty food, but also something artistic. We do art when we cooks, as well as "architecture" does. haha omong opose nis -.-'' wkwkwk
well, even though I'm still newbie in this field, but I do admit that cooking is something attracting, but eating what we cook is more attracting :3 that's why my cheek grows this much and would still growing until the end of time hiks T.T
yak inila "kreasi ala cep" cep cep an
"sweet corn lumpia" alias lumpia isi pitik
"chicken siomay" alias somay isine pitik
"chicken soup" alias sop pitik ala manten (yo gak manten juga se)
"spicy fried chicken heart" alias sambel goreng ati plus rempelo