an ordinary journey.

an ordinary journey.

masih belajar nulis

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Alhamdulillah, my very first ever publication has been published :)

masih amatiran, masih banyak kurangnya, masih butuh belajar yang buanyaaak, masih gak ada apa apanya. tapi semoga yang sedikit dari saya ini bisa bermanfaat :)

been busy to prepare my two next publication (actually for my college task and small research in this semester) that have titled "The Effectiveness of Rental HousingFinance for Low-Income Households in Sombo Rental Flats, Surabaya" and "Urban Housing Renewal Concept of Kampung Tambak Bayan based on Sustainable Tourism Development". and also my research thesis proposal that will be in trial in the end of june :'( bismillah hope it can be done on time (approximately at the end of june/july) and be a good writing too (please, hoping very much huhu :''(
and most importantly, a holy month Ramadhan will come soon, hopefully we can make the most of it , amiiin :')



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