an ordinary journey.

an ordinary journey.

be yourself even more.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

don't be afraid to being yourself. you couldn't change what people are, so do you. you couldn't change who you are, even if you want. because you are what you were going through until this day since you were born. a whole packets of emotions, struggle, happiness, grateful, sorrow, and anything that happens to you, that forms who you are now. that's why everyone could be so different from each other, because there are no one went through the exact typical emotional journey in their life. so don't try to change who you are. and even if you want to change who you are, you just couldn't afford it. so don't bother yourself being busy of something wasteful. and now, your task is just to be the best version of you. so you could continue to be yourself even more. loving yourself even more. knowing that you have to love yourself first to know how to love someone fully, perfectly. and spread your love, kindness, and happiness to everyone surround you.       and still being you.

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